More than 80,000 new cases of lymphoma are diagnosed in the United States every year. Even though it’s not the most common cancer in the country, thousands of people are fighting it each day. This cancer has numerous widely accepted treatment methods, such as biologic therapy, antibody therapy, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, surgery, and more.
All of the above approaches often cause immune suppression, pain and discomfort. The damaged immune system struggles to fight while being suppressed by these conventional cancer treatment methods. As a result, many patients’ quality of life is substantially burdened, leading to depression and other unfortunate consequences. Often their immune system is left helpless to fight the cancer.
That’s why more and more cancer sufferers are turning to alternative treatments. A holistic approach to lymphoma treatment includes many specialized methods that kill the cancer, but not at the expense of immune suppression. . Many patients have conquered lymphoma by taking advantage of holistic treatments.