Fritz-Albert Popps’ concept of cellular communication via biophotons suggests why laser energetic detox works. Sick cells simply don’t produce as many biophotons as healthy cells. The coherent light of the laser may be transferring information from the homeopathic substance to the cell in a language it can understand in the form of photons. In other words, laser energetic detox uses the medium of light, rather than chemical reactions, for healing.
Using the Asyra, patients are tested against various stresses and toxins that show up in the body. The laser energetic detox, a rapid detoxification process, removes stressors allowing the body to effect change related to the illness in the manner expected if the toxic load had not impaired its optimal function. A program is then put together and tested for frequency and intervals between laser energetic detox treatments.
This program is especially helpful in treating chronic health issues. Here is a short list:
- Autoimmune diseases
- Autism
- Brain “fog”
- Cancer
- Chronic Fatigue
- Fibromyalgia
- Food sensitivities
- Hormonal imbalances
- Infections
- Inflammatory issues
- Lyme and its co-infections
- Musculoskeletal issues
- Parasites
- Vaccination disturbances
These are illnesses born in great part from our modern world, one which surrounds us with an estimated 80,000 chemicals that whittle away at our well being, and prompt DNA mutations.