The French physician, Dr. Paul Nogier, developed this special form of acupuncture in the 1950’s. He discovered that the surface of the outer ear (Auricle) is a reflex area on which all parts of the body are represented.
By examining individual reflex zones on the ear it is possible to identify precisely where in the body pain is located- or which of the organs are affected if the origin of pain is unclear. Certain Disturbances in the body which can delay, or even prevent, the healing process can also be located. At first glance, such a focus has nothing to do with the disease process itself and is often not even noticed by the patient. However, these foci can have such a negative effect on the body that it becomes prone to falling ill. In addition, they can prevent a preexisting disease from responding to conventional therapies so that the body cannot get rid of it.
Focal Disturbances may Originate in dead or putrid teeth, Chronically inflamed maxillary sinuses, inflamed tonsils , and all other inflammations. Every scar may develop into a focus, but it does not necessarily do so. By Examining the ear reflex zones, a physician can determine very precisely whether any scare (and which one) has become a focus He/She can also determine whether there is an inflammation or toxic load somewhere in the body (e.g., Mercury load due to amalgam fillings)