Cindy's Story

Sue’s Story

Sarcoma Survivor

Ellen’s Story

Ellen’s Experience with Alternative Ovarian Cancer Treatment

Lisa’s Story

Lisa's Experience with an Alternative Breast Cancer Treatment

Steve’s Story

Steve’s Experience with Skin Cancer Melanoma Treatment

Becky's Story

Becky's Experience with Insulin Potentiated Chemotherapy for Ovarian Cancer

John's Story

John's Experience with an Alternative Prostate Cancer Treatment

John’s Story

John’s Experience with Prostate Cancer

Jerry’s Story

Jerry’s Experience with Lung Cancer

Tricia's Story

Tricia's Experience with an Alternative Breast Cancer Treatment

Mark Weddle's Story

Gary’s Story: IPT as an Alternative Cancer Treatment for Lymphoma

“Since I’d already had a message from my unconscious, I wanted to send it a return message, basically saying, ‘I plan on sticking around for a long time to come. So I’m committing myself to a long-term learning program, one that will bring me joy. I just wanted you to know that."

Patti Stephenson

"I have ovarian cancer, diagnosed 4 years ago. I then had a full hysterectomy debulking surgery, and then chemotherapy. My CA 125 dropped from 350 range to 100 range but cancer grew back a year later. I then started at Euromed and after 4 weeks of treatment my CA 125 dropped from 357 to 42. I am now in remission for the past 2 1/2 years. There is no evidence of new growth on my latest PET CT scan and the past spots are either gone or diminished. I have been feeling well and am truly thankful for the care of I have received."

Logan Valenzuela

“Wonderful experience, great care, thank you. After diagnosed with breast cancer in 2004, I was treated by chemo and mastectomy, then radiation. But my cancer showed up in my lungs 2 years later. Then I went to euromed clinic in phoenix and I have been in good health since. I was never sick from treatments at euromed clinic. All the staff have been wonderful."

D. Hendrix

"I am very happy with my results. I have non hodgkins lymphoma and did chemo for two years, however it returned with vengeance. I have been here for 3 years and it's been an excellent experience. The staff is great. My cancer is in remission and I feel my normal self."

Ginny Gallagher

Esta es una reseña muy favorable, luego de años de recibir tratamiento aquí estoy mejor que nunca. Fui diagnosticada en 2010 con un linfoma linfocítico B que se había expandido a muchas åreas. Recibí como tratamiento con una dosis regular completa de quimioterapia y me fue bien, pero cada vez era seguida por crecimientos en nuevas åreas. Finalmente llegué a un punto en el que ya no era efectivo y comencé a buscar otros tratamientos. Encontré euromed y decidí que podía ser algo bueno para mí. Terminó siendo una muy buena decisión. He estado aquí por 4 años y he estado muy feliz con todos los aspectos de mi cuidado. Los doctores aquí son los mejores. Mi linfoma estå bajo control y ahora mi vida es completamente normal. Para aquellos que buscan una alternativa a los tratamientos convencionales, esta clínica es una muy buena opción. Por lo menos lo ha sido para mí.

Nadine Mccarty

Very impressed with the euro med medical team. I have tonsil cancer (squamous) that has spread to my neck. When I started I had trouble swallowing. I was told I needed radical neck surgery then regular chemo, then radiation. I am here today without doing any of that! I have been a patient at euro med for 4 years and my cancer has never returned. Scan is normal! The swelling in my neck went away the first month, I swallow and feel great. Thank you to the wonderful doctors and staff at euro med!!! Highly recommend, especially if you have this type of cancer.

Meg Ashley

I was referred here by my doctor. It has been a life saving experience for me. I am so thankful for the care I have received. This group of doctors are very caring and have really reversed my disease. After many years fighting this cancer and quite frankly losing the battle, I have finally started to get stronger, my appetite is good! I have lung cancer so I do not know if you would have the same result as me. I am one of the lucky ones.

Kristen Clarke

Very happy with all my care here. In 2008 I was diagnosed with NH Lymphoma, B cell. I was treated with regular chemo and Rituxin which initially worked very well, however it came back within 18 months a little worse and they repeated the same treatment. It again worked but not as well and it spread to multiple areas in neck and abdomen. I began to get weak and lost considerable weight. They wanted to treat me again but I knew I could not tolerate any more. I looked into alternative treatments and came across EuroMed Foundation after considerable searching/researching. It looked like a good program so I decided to give it a try. I am certainly glad I did. Within 4 weeks of starting treatment at EuroMed my nodes in my neck were gone. My repeat CT scan a few months later showed 80 percent improvement. I am now in remission and doing very well. I did not get sick but my hair thinned a little, it has now grown back. All in all it was a very positive experience that I would recommend highly to anyone with cancer. I met several people there with different types of cancers that had similar experiences to mine.

Rene Flowers

I have been here for about 4 years now. Previously I was treated, unsuccessfully, with chemo and radiation, for breast cancer. Though it seemed to be working in the beginning it eventually came back in other areas. So when I started here I was already stage 4. IPT has been very effective for me. I have had a very good result and have gained my strength back. I like the comprehensive approach at this clinic, and have learned a lot. I wish there was a similar clinic closer to my home.

J. Gill

I am very happy with my care at EuroMed Foundation. The doctors have managed my breast cancer for the past 4 years, which is ER positive and Her2 positive. I went through 3 rounds of HORRIBLE chemotherapy before starting treatment here. Then to make matters worse it spread to my bones afterwards. I have the upmost respect and gratitude for the physicians at EuroMed. My cancer has all but disappeared from my latest scan and I feel wonderful. I HIGHLY recommend this clinic and love the way they treat their patients.

Chris S

This is a great place to heal. Very caring staff. Wonderful doctors. I am so blessed to have found this clinic. Thank you.

C. Baird

I have been treated at Euromed clinic now for the past 7 years. Great caring docs, excellent staff, I am very happy. I am in remission and they follow me closely. Highly recommend.

Tonya Frank

He esperado un tiempo para hacer esta reseña. Al principio no estaba segura si iba en la dirección correcta. Parecía que mi cåncer estaba empeorando porque podía sentir como las masas en mis senos crecían. Sin embargo, ellos me aseguraron que era por la inflamación y parte de las células cancerosas muriendo. Llevó muchos meses antes de poder ver alguna reducción y relajamiento. Ahora parecen ser de la mitad del tamaño que cuando comencé y mucho mas suaves. Estoy segura que estån disminuyendo gracias a los tratamientos. Estoy muy feliz.

Danny Wise

I have been treated for prostate cancer at euromed foundation for the past 6 years. The cancer had spread prior to starting treatment. My PSA was 360. Today I am feeling well, my PSA is 32, the scan report shows no new growth. I have been very pleased with my treatments.

Ryan Cain

I had a horrific experience with my Urologist, who convinced me to under a radical prostatectomy that made me impotent and did nothing to slow my cancer, which spread to my lymph nodes in the abdomen. After seeing my PSA rise steadily with no results from treatments I decided to take another road. I spent about a month looking into other available treatments and stumbled upon EuroMed, quite by accident. I have been here about 3 years and am doing very well. The cancer is in remission and well controlled. The treatments have been very easy for me. I just wish the clinic was a little closer, I do not live in the U.S. Regardless, it is well worth it for my survival.

Hayden Barnes

I have been a patient here for almost 9 years. I have colon cancer, stage 4. The doctors here have managed my care very well. I know I am not the best patient, especially with the diet, but they have worked with me and I am doing the best I can.

Paulie Zimmerman

Excellent experience. I looked into several other clinics before coming here including those in Switzerland, Germany, Mexico, Nevada and California. I chose this one because they work as a group of doctors for each patient and they have considerable success. They are also one of the most reasonable financially. I have had non small cell lung cancer since 2009 and was treated with conventional chemotherapy with 3 rounds, until my cancer was beyond help. They offered me Hospice care. That was 4 years ago. I came to Euro Med and within 6 weeks my cancer was in remission. I have done very well since. I have been under surveillance with periodic treatments and have gained my strength and weight back to the point I was at before cancer. I cannot give a higher recommendation to this group of doctors, for saving my life.

Avery Hall

Euromed physicians have managed my care very well. I had breast cancer that spread to my chest four years ago. I have been very happy with my results, my scan is clear now. I feel fine. I was sick with some nausea in the begging that went away. I could not tolerate some of the IV's, so they had to change them. The team of doctors are very thorough and I am monitored very closely now from home. They are a wonderful group and I so appreciate everything they do.

A. Garner

Everything has been very good. I have no complaints.

Jamey Martin

Was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2006, underwent Proton therapy and was ok until 2009 when a new growth was discovered in my abdomen then came to euromed clinic and received treatment that has so far been very favorable, I have been quite happy with my results and would advise anyone with prostate cancer to look into euromed.

Sharon Madden

I was reluctant to go this route. My family was not supportive. They were convinced I was driving myself off a cliff. Regardless, after going through chemo and surgery for ovarian cancer, then seeing my ca125 go up again, along with a worsening scan, I decided I had nothing really to lose. That was nearly 5 years ago. I am now doing exceptionally well. I feel normal. My scan is stabilized, after improving considerably, it now shows no new growth, my ca125 is normal, as is my He4, which is a marker I had not heard of before coming here. I am being well managed by the group here and truly feel very lucky to have found this clinic.

Douglas Pugh

Was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2006, underwent Proton therapy and was ok until 2009 when a new growth was discovered in my abdomen then came to euromed clinic and received treatment that has so far been very favorable, I have been quite happy with my results and would advise anyone with prostate cancer to look into euromed.

Timothy Cochran

These are great people. They have been very helpful to me. I feel good. I was very sick when I came here.

Marc L

I was diagnosed in 2012 with cancer on my tonsil that spread to my neck. I underwent treatment at Euro Med shortly thereafter and decided not to do surgery or standard treatments. My neck nodes are gone and I continue to do well. Extremely happy with my care, especially given the alternatives, it was all doom and gloom from my Oncologist. Very glad I decided not to accept traditional treatment and travel to Phoenix instead.

Zachary Reyes

I would recommend to anyone with cancer. My only complaint is it's 3,000 miles from home, but worth the trip for me. I did not do well with my Oncologist treatments. This has been a breeze. The lymphoma is gone. Well I feel normal, it's still there I know, but I no longer have any fatigue and the swelling is gone. No more problem.


I have been very pleased with my results to date at Euromed. All the staff are very friendly and genuinely concerned, it is also an uplifting place to be, especially with cancer, there is a feeling of hope here that was not present at my Oncologist's office, I am truly blessed to have found these people. I have spoken to several patients here with success stories.

Emery Lester

Excellent care. Little far for me to travel to get to Phoenix, I live in Canada. But worth it. I am a breast cancer patient with her2 positive, aggressive type. I did not respond well to regular chemo. IPT has been a life saver for me, and the other treatments I receive from the doctors at Euromed. I have been a patient for 5 years.

Roger W.

Prostate cancer, avoided traditional treatments, started here 3 years ago and have been in remission since, I feel great, bone pain is gone, outstanding group of doctors.

K. Sanford

I have been a patient here for the past 5 years. I initially underwent a bilateral mastectomy, chemotherapy and radiation for breast cancer. However it returned a few years later in my lymph nodes and chest scar. I then refused more chemotherapy and began to search alternative treatments. I found Euromed's approach was the most complete. Although I knew of someone that had gone here and not done well, her cancer was more advanced and not the same type as mine. I have been very happy with my care. I have been in remission and feel great. I was never sick from treatments.


I was referred to EuroMed by my physician. My colon cancer had spread and was stage 4. I have been treated by the team of doctors at EuroMed and am now in remission, feeling well, my energy is good, I carry on a normal life style, I could be happier with their care.

Jim Phillips

Well, things have gone pretty good. So far my cancer has not returned. I started here a few years ago for lung cancer, after my physician had told me I was no longer treatable. I have been doing well since!


Very competent and caring staff, unfortunately I may have waiting too long to seek treatment here, I have been to numerous other clinics around the world, this one is probably the best, I wish my cancer was responding faster, still hopeful.

T. Calderon

My breast cancer has shrunk considerably over the past year I have been treated by the Euromed doctors, they have taken great care of me, so happy I came here, very caring group, I have tolerated the treatments well, no side effects to speak of, had a little stomach upset in the beginning, that went away.